Using Aloe Vera for Menstrual Irregularities

Using Aloe Vera for Menstrual Irregularities

Aloe vera can be used to manage period symptoms like pain, skin breakouts, and irregular cycles. You can consume aloe vera juice or apply aloe vera gel to your lower abdomen to experience its effects.


The medicinal use of aloe vera goes back to over a thousand years ago and was prevalent among different ancient cultures, including Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Egyptian cultures, in which the plant was used to treat hemorrhoids, wounds, skin conditions and hair loss. There was also an interest in the laxative properties of the plant. 

In Ayurveda, aloe vera is referred to as Kumari, meaning “young maiden”. Aloe vera is classified as cooling and cleanses the plasma, blood, and urine systems of the body. It has been widely noted as a treatment for gynecological and menstrual issues in Ayurvedic texts. It is especially beneficial for those who have a pitta flow.

Click here to learn more about an Ayurvedic approach to menstruation.

Benefits of Consuming Aloe Vera

  • Pain Management - According to a study in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, aloe vera can help relax the muscles in the uterus and lower abdomen, reducing the severity of menstrual cramps. Aloe vera can provide pain relief for certain menstrual disorders, including endometriosis.

  • Supporting Recovery - Aloe vera supports muscle and tissue recovery and the restart of the menstrual cycle after a significant break, either after pregnancy/childbirth or going on birth control.

  • Period Symptoms - Aside from the pain and cramps, aloe vera is also beneficial in promoting cycle regularity and smoother menstrual flow, and helps with emotional symptoms like mood swings as well. 

  • Anti-Inflammation - Aloe vera helps to reduce inflammation in the uterus which can help reduce the severity of pain and discomfort during menstruation. It contains the compounds anthraquinone and glucomannan which have anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Hydration - If you consume aloe vera by drinking it as a juice or smoothie, you’ll be able to drink more fluids and prevent dehydration, which can worsen period symptoms. 

  • Rich in Micronutrients - Aloe vera includes a host of beneficial vitamins like vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like magnesium and zinc. The plant also has properties to support and improve digestive health which can improve the absorption of these nutrients and enhance one’s overall well-being.

Also read - How nutrition affects your menstrual cycle?

How to Consume Aloe Vera?

You can avail of the benefits aloe vera has to offer in different ways, depending on what’s available to you and whether you’d like to consume or apply it.

  • Aloe Vera Juice - You can make a juice by extracting fresh aloe vera gel from the leaves of the plant by mixing 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of water. You can choose to add honey or ginger to this mixture.

  • Aloe Vera Gel - You can also apply the fresh gel directly to your lower abdomen and upper thighs to help reduce pain and relax tensed muscles.

  • Aloe Vera Tea - By steeping aloe vera leaves in hot water for about 10 minutes, and straining the water, you can make aloe vera tea which is not only refreshing but can soothe your body as well.

Note that consuming aloe vera is only beneficial to a certain extent and cannot cure you of any underlying conditions or menstrual disorders. It is not recommended to consume aloe vera daily as excessive consumption can lead to unwanted side effects like bloating and diarrhea. It’s safer to start consuming a small amount and noticing the effects before increasing your dosage. 

You should also be in touch with your healthcare provider and consult them regarding using aloe vera for medicinal purposes.

The key to having a healthy menstrual cycle lies in living a balanced lifestyle, eating nutritious foods, getting in some exercise, and getting adequate sleep. Taking aloe vera as a supplement cannot reverse the effects of poor lifestyle choices. 

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