Tampon Sizes - What Suits You Best

Tampon Sizes: A Guide to Pick Perfect Tampon Size For You

  • Tampons sizes correspond to flow absorption, rather than the size of the tampon itself.
  • The absorbency of different sizes are: light (3mL), regular (5mL), and super (12mL).
  • It's always best to choose the lightest tampon size that works for your flow.


We are dedicated to providing you with the best information and a detailed guide to help you navigate these tricky waters of womanhood!

So, without delay, we welcome you to the exciting world of tampons, where finding the right tampon size is the key to period prowess!

From exploring the different types available to unleashing your flow's true potential, prepare for a journey of tampon enlightenment.

The Basics: What exactly does a Tampon do?

Tampons, those small yet mighty champions of menstrual care, play a crucial role in providing comfort and protection during your period. 

These compact wonders are designed to be inserted into the vaginal canal, where they absorb menstrual fluid directly at its source. 

Acting as a barrier, tampons prevent leakage and allow you to move freely without worries.

With their absorbent core and cleverly designed shapes, tampons conform to your body, ensuring a secure fit and discreet wear. 

They offer the convenience of easy insertion and removal, making them an essential friend for active lifestyles and on-the-go moments. 

What Tampon Size Should I Use?

The fact that you should choose your tampon size based on your menstrual flow, and not based on your vaginal size. The absorbency level of the tampon is what matters the most, and it should correspond to the amount of menstrual flow you are experiencing.

Here's the correct guidance:

  • For a light flow, select a lower absorbency tampon (e.g., "light" or "regular").
  • For a medium flow, opt for a tampon with a medium absorbency level ("regular").
  • For a heavy flow, choose a higher absorbency tampon (e.g., "super" or "super plus").
  • For a very heavy flow, use the highest absorbency available ("ultra" or "ultra plus").

Best Tampon Size For The First Time Users

For first-time tampon users, it's important to start with a smaller size and work your way up as you become more comfortable with using tampons. Typically, "light" or "regular" tampons are recommended for beginners. These are smaller in size and easier to insert.

Here are some tips for choosing the best tampon size for first-time users:

Start with Light or Regular: Tampons are usually categorized by flow, such as light, regular, super, and super plus. Start with either a light or regular tampon to get used to the sensation and the process of insertion.

Choose an Applicator: Applicator tampons are often easier for beginners because they assist with proper placement. They have a tube-like applicator that helps guide the tampon into the vagina. Non-applicator tampons can be a bit trickier for beginners to insert correctly.

Stay Relaxed: The key to comfortable tampon insertion is relaxation. Find a comfortable and private space, take a few deep breaths, and relax your muscles. Tension can make insertion more difficult and uncomfortable.

Change Regularly: Regardless of the tampon size you choose, it's important to change your tampon every 4-8 hours to avoid the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. If you're experiencing discomfort, it might be an indication that the tampon isn't inserted properly or that you need to try a smaller size.

Read more: Why use organic tampons?

Why Should You Prefer Lower-Absorbency Tampon Size?

Believe it or not, tampons with lower absorbency actually have a hidden advantage when it comes to reducing the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

Tampons with high absorbency can unintentionally create an environment that promotes bacteria growth. Their super-absorbent nature can lead to wearing them for too long, which increases the risk of TSS.

However, there's good news! Tampons with lower absorbency step in to help by maintaining a balanced approach. This lowers the chances of creating a zone where bacteria can thrive. You should only use large tampon size only when you have heavy or very heavy menstrual flow.

By choosing tampons with lower absorbency, you're like a superhero of responsible tampon usage!

Tampons Size or Types You Should Use While Doing Physical Activity

Activity Level

Ideal Tampon Size


Light or Regular


Regular or Super





Choose the Right Absorbency Tampons

Tampon Sizes

Absorption Capacity


3 ml


5 ml


12 ml


Remember,  It's always a good idea to listen to your body and adjust the tampon size accordingly.

Read more: Tampons vs Sanitary Pads

How do I know if tampon is full?

In any situation, whether the tampon is full or not, you should not keep tampon inside for more than 6 hours. You should always change within this period of time.

Here are other tips to help you determine if your tampon if full.

Time - As a general guideline, you might want to change your tampon every 4-6 hours, depending on your flow.

Feeling - When a tampon is becoming full, you might feel a slight sensation of wetness or heaviness in your vaginal area. Some people also feel discomfort or pressure when the tampon is reaching its absorbency limit.

Checking - To check if your tampon is full, gently tug on the tampon's string. If you feel resistance or discomfort, it's an indication that the tampon is absorbing fluid and may be close to being full.

Leakage - If you notice any leakage or spotting on your underwear, it's a sign that your tampon is nearing its capacity and needs to be changed.

Regular Check-ins - Especially when you first start using tampons, it's a good idea to check the tampon more frequently until you become more familiar with your flow patterns and how quickly the tampon becomes saturated.

Organic Tampon vs Scented One; What’s the Holy Grail of Period Care?

In the world of period care, there's an age-old battle between organic and scented products.

But in achieving the ultimate period experience, organic tampons emerge as the clear victor.

Crafted from pure, organic cotton, they offer comfort and purity without harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances.

On the other hand, scented tampons may seem attractive, but their fragrances and additional chemicals can disrupt your body's natural balance.

Organic tampons, like Cambio Woman’s 100% Biodegradable and Organic Tampons mean embracing a world of benefits—safe, eco-friendly, and harmonious with your body's needs.

It's time to prioritize your well-being and make a positive impact on the environment by opting for the best!

Also read: Are scented pads bad for you?

Cambio’s Cheat Sheet for Self-Care!

Tampon Selection Cheat Sheet:

- Consider your flow intensity and choose a tampon size accordingly: light, regular, or super.
- Choose tampons with applicators for easier insertion, especially for beginners.
- Low absorbency tampons are recommended to minimize the risk of TSS.
- Listen to your body and adjust the tampon size based on your activity level.
- Opt for organic tampons for a pure and chemical-free period care experience.

In the quest for the perfect period care, choosing the right tampon size is essential.

By understanding the basics of tampons, embracing the journey of wearing them for the first time, and considering factors like absorbency and type, you can confidently navigate the world of tampons.